

17. Nov. 2022 10:43:04


Discover 3 reasons why the metaverse will be more successful than Second Life.

Second Life in 2003 versus Metaverse in 2021

 The question that I always have been asked when I pitched the metaverse, whatever to investors or to customers, is: Why the metaverse will be more successful than Second Life? I found 3 main reasons but maybe there are many more.

1-      The 2003 Second Life move was driven by one metaverse builder company when the 2021 metaverse move is driven by thousands of companies. The Metaverse Standard Forum counts already more than 1 thousand members and web 3 is now a very active ecosystem and growing economy. 

2-      The 2003 audience is different from 2021 audience. The 2021 audience is more used to social media, online shopping, and gaming. The Gen Z born with internet, online shopping and gaming and started to be active as consumer, worker and decision maker.

3-      The Technology progressed since 2003: typically, connectivity is now far better and with 5G we will reach the right connectivity to fully enjoy the metaverse user experience.


Article by Hanene Maupas, CEO, Mext B2B Metaverse